I couldn’t find a perfect tag for this one…does bedazzling count as beading? ^^;
Anyway, a while ago at work, I volunteered to decorate a pumpkin using one of the new Pokémon pumpkin stencils. I decided I was going to bedazzle mine, and so I chose Quaxly, 'cause I figured his coloring would pop best against the orange pumpkin. It took about twenty hours or more, but here it is!
Honestly I’m not quite sure why I volunteered to do this; the only things I’d done previously with rhinestones were little tiny embellishments on fabric and stuff, a stone here, another one there… In this case, trying to pack them in as closely as possible, using tiny ones to fill in the gaps where the big ones wouldn’t fit, or in the depths of the pumpkin skin’s crevices where I couldn’t squeeze all of the same size in, was a whole different ball game! But after a while it became almost meditative, attaching the rhinestones one…by…one. Here are a few progress pics!
Step one: tape stencil to pumpkin!
Step two: stab along the line to make holes to use as reference on the pumpkin! (I broke sooo many of these skewers doing this; in hindsight a pin or needle would have been much more sensible!)
Step three: start outlining in black, and then fill in with appropriate colors.
The last photo above is where I quit for the first night.
Step four: …Keep going!
And finally… a fabulously sparkly Quaxly!
When I was done, I took the pumpkin in to work, where it was featured in an article on the website!
And now, it’s sitting happily on my front porch, greeting trick or treaters.