Quilt-along 2021

When the pattern lists the size, it is the FINISHED size after sewing the 1/4 inch seams…so your Flying geese should have ended up being 3.5x6.5…the same size as the ends of the corner blocks and the middle piece…after you sew them on, you are taking 1/4 inch x2, which is the half inch you are off…

Since you already cut them, I would just adjust your corners and middle by 1/2 inch and have a little smaller block…

Or, trim your middle block and then do 1/8 inch seams…either way, you are going to have a slightly smaller block but you can adjust with sashing later to fit the other blocks…


if you trim them down to fit, i believe your block will finish at 11.5"
the 12" would be the finished size, once sewn in to the seams. I think your geese might have needed to be 3.5x6.5, so the quarter inch seam allowances would take it down to 12.5" unfinished.


i, @wereradletshug, offer this circuit board quilt for the january prompt.
first time combining paper piecing and traditional piecing in one quilt, as well as using shannon cuddle fabric on the back of a quilt :slight_smile:


Ooo purpleishous!

LOVE the circuit board quilt! Do you have a link to the pattern?

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Ooooh how cool!

Very contemporary!


I’ll just trim the others down to fit and have a slightly smaller block, then. :slight_smile:

Hopefully after some more experience I’ll learn to read the patterns properly! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is goooorgeous! XD

here it is: https://shop.flyingparrotquilts.com/products/circuit-board-pdf-quilt-pattern

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Part of it is the math thing…lol…most quilts have standard sizes that you cut and they all fit because of the math…notice how many things are 1/2 inch…that is because seams are 1/4 inch all around!

Believe me, you are doing great and after a few blocks, it will be old hat to you…keep up the good work and enthusiasm…I find that even “mistakes” can be fixed pretty much one way or the other!


I had this same issue. I distinctly remember reading it was important to trim the geese before sewing the strips…misleading!


I haven’t read the instructions yet…some are better than others…and I think some is just because of experience…if you guys ever have any doubt, you can PM me and many others here to muddle through it with you…just don’t get discouraged…all things can be fixed!


That is really cool! My dh works in IT so he’d appreciate that! I love how the green just really pops out!

Thanks for sharing the link to the pattern. She has a lot of fun patterns!


Lol. I’m pretty good at just plowing ahead! :laughing: But thank you!! :star_struck:

That circuit board quilt is awesome!!!


I roler submit this as my January BOM entry.

It’s a wee bit smaller than planned, and those pretty points are destined to get gulped up in future seam allowances, but overall I’m pretty pleased with it! :slight_smile: Looking forward to making more blocks with you all! Thanks so much for the help so far!

Btw, I adore that bento box block! Any chance that will be a future BOM?


Do you want to nominate it?

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Sure, I’d love some extra motivation to try it out myself! :slight_smile: It’s so pretty!


Ok, I’ll add your BOM to the spreadsheet and the block nomination to the first post tomorrow!

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Last block of the day, a super simple Zig Zag block.

Meanwhile, thanks to Edel, I’ve also created a stack of 2.5” Starters & Enders blocks.

And this is all the black scraps I have left!