Quilt-along 2021

Borders on, next step is sandwich and quilting. It is now about 48 x 60, nice length for my long legs on the recliner.


This is gorgeous!

Ya it is, wow. I sometimes don’t love white in a quilt but it is the perfect thing to highlight all those earthy tones and really make the design pop. It’s so crisp and elegant while still feeling like an ode to the traditional. Just beautiful.


I love it!! :heart_eyes:

I don’t like white much either, but these are white, off white and lt gray.


Just beautiful…and yes, those pale grays are lovely…

I meant to offer this 2nd heart block as my Feb offering

-I marrionberries , offer rescued heart for February


-I marrionberries , offer Yellow Crocus for March prompt of green
I think that maybe today was not the day to sew. The first block I made was to small, who knew I could not add 1/2 to 2 1/4 and come up with the right answer? But the kicker was a slice in the fabric of on square that I didn’t see until too late. It’s repaired with iron on interfacing, but I wouldn’t want to use it with any quilt that needed washing. And I like the positioning of the corner hst’s better.

So I started over. Success

And the too small damaged one.


I like the second one better! That lovely light blue tie-dye. :blue_heart: Very Spring!

I’m working my way through making a white and scrap purple HST baby quilt. I greatly underestimated how much work 144 HST’s would be. :persevere: It was/is for my daughter’s karate instructor. But with how long and the amount of effort it’s taking I’m selfishly thinking it should only be for royalty or something. :laughing:

I’m still making HSTs but I couldn’t help mocking it up a bit! I’m copycat-big this quilt:


Idea may change once I get all the squares done and play around with it. :purple_heart:


Me too, the redo let me pick a better blue.

Opinions needed! The outer border is mainly purple batik with hints of blue, green, and teal. Should the inner border be teal or raspberry?

I should note that the photo makes the teal look very close to the color of the dragonfly body, but it’s not in real life; the dragonfly is bright turquoise and the border is deeper bluer teal.

The raspberry is pretty close color wise in the photo.


I like the teal.

I can’t believe how quickly you are moving on this!!

I also vote teal!

@abbeeroad is right! You’re moving along. And it’s gorgeous!

@Whistlefish, I love the purple & white HST’s! Can’t wait to see how it comes out.


I’m also riding on the teal train!

@Whistlefish, that will be a really pretty quilt when finished!

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What a beautiful job! and so speedy!

I vote teal…I think it really pops the dragonfly out…that batik is so lovely…

Definitely teal, it really pops.

Ok, teal won for the inner border. Now for binding. Black, the raspberry from before, or a purple print that looks like lattice work?



Purple Lattice