Quilt-along 2021

:purple_circle: :purple_heart: :purple_square:


Thatā€™s so generous of you, Linda! Iā€™d really appreciate it if youā€™d send a purple thang to me too (any color works for me). It sounds like it will come in quite handy, especially for flipping seams that are already under the machine foot.


You are so generous! :purple_heart: those purple thangs do sound like they could be used for just about anything!

Last year I started to make a few blocks from the Farmerā€™s Wife 1930ā€™s quilt book. Never got further than this:

Tonight I want to finish this one:

I have a whole pile of scraps in autumn colours set aside for this project.


Quilting right alongā€¦


Looks like you are having some fun!

Yep! Even more so now that my new floor OttLite just arrived! I was able to use a 50% off JoAnnā€™s coupon + cash and gift card from Christmas to purchase this for the perfect nook area in my dining room where I sew! The previous one sits by my crafting chair in the living room. The light was broken when I first bought that one, but this new one is in tip top shape! Onward! Save the eyes!


Ooh, thatā€™s a super useful tool, I really need to start using mine again!

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My house gets poor lighting, so I use mine a lot!


If you still had one of any colour left over, Iā€™d love one too @AIMR :hugs: you could save it for when we do a swap next if youā€™d like?.. to save on postage x thank you for your generous offer :kissing_heart:


I have a couple of lamps I bought from JoAnns years ago, but are a different brand. one is at my sewing machine and the floor model wanders all around the house as needed. Every year I need a brighter light for hand work. But lighting is so important for crafting.


I would love one, AIMR if you have any left! What can I offer in exchange? And, any color is fine for me :slight_smile: Thanks so much!


Time to stop for the day! My bobbin needed to be rewound just at the perfect time.

Iā€™ll have to trim the mountains some because I am off by a good half inch in my bottom section piecing, but oh well, it still it turning out pretty good!

I noticed some differences in the cut pieces list vs what the pattern says in the mountain section, so it is possible that was also the case in the sewing machine sec, but I probably just didnā€™t piece perfectly. Ehā€¦itā€™s OK for it to be slightly smaller. :slight_smile:


Wow, thatā€™s really coming along! Yay for the bobbin finishing at the right time. I hate discovering that Iā€™ve been sewing with an empty bobbin :woman_facepalming: (especially because Iā€™m convinced thatā€™s when I sew the straightest lines :smile:).


That is obviously when that happens for me, too.


Itā€™s just invisible thread.


Down to the hand stitching the binding. Should finish tonight.


Iā€™m so excited for you! When you do, check out the top post and decide which challenge entry works best for you for tickets into our quarterly drawing! :slight_smile:

Plus, itā€™ll be so nice to see it done!


You both have done a wonderful job of organizing in the first few posts! I am glad I revisited itā€¦of course, spent time down some YouTube videos rabbit holesā€¦lolā€¦

I am going to use some of my batiks and cut out the first blockā€¦still havenā€™t picked out what WIP of many I want to get doneā€¦


Iā€™m thinking I need to add a ticket to our drawing for completing a BOM each month, too!

Thank you! We want this to be fun and keep folks interested!


Iā€™m always impressed by people like you and @Lynx who hand stitch the binding. Iā€™m terribly slow at hand stitching and prefer to just use the machine to stitch it on. But, I really like the quilts that have big stitch binding and do plan on trying that one of these days.

@AIMR, thank you! I sometimes think about tools/tips/tricks that others have taught me about along the way and how Iā€™m so grateful to have that information. I love that we have this group to all share our collective knowledge here.

@Lynx, great idea on a ticket for completing the monthly blocks!