Quilt Block Gift Bags

What a great way to use those quilt blocks! I can’t imagine anyone not being absolutely delighted to receive one!


These are amazing! What a great idea!

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Oh I love these! And I love that they’re gift bags but you can actually use them afterwards. They’re really lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks everyone! They were well received by their recipients. :slightly_smiling_face: I will probably make more!

Wow, the bags themselves would be a gift. These are so pretty.

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I have felt like I wanted to make those quilt-along blocks but don’t have a purpose for them. I am going to copy this idea and turn them into gift bags. I love this project of yours, I must have come back for 40 looks so far, lol. Really amazing Abbee, just the best.


I’ve come back and looked a few times too! My favorite is the yellow, blue, and pink/berry block. Those colors really pop and it would’ve been a shame for them to languish away unused and unseen.


Sturdy and well-made! My favs are 2 and 4.