I’m not a very talented sewer and one of my goals for the new year is to get better at it so I came up with a few sewing projects for around the house. I struggle with cutting fabric straight so this was good practice.
I made these for under my dog bowls and also a couple for my sister - these are handy to have around, under dish racks, placemats, table protector. This is also a good project to repurpose kitchen towels that look a little dingy, but are in a good condition. I made some several years ago using towels I found at garage sales, but I only have flour sack towels right now and no garage sales this year (sob), so I bought some inexpensive ones on Amazon.
All the fabric comes from fat quarters - they are the perfect size - or leftover scraps from mask making. Very easy. Stitch the strips together, iron, fold under and stitch around the border and then go back and “quilt” by stitching in the shadow of the stitch between the strips.
There is no room for Pilot’s bowls in my kitchen (small) so I have them in the dining room on the carpet. These are much easier to clean if he makes a mess.
(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
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I think they look very pretty!
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(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I love the smaller quilting projects for around the house! I could use some more mats for on the counter since I don’t use a dish drain. They would be prettier and thicker than just a towel that I use now!
Can’t wait to see more of your “learning” projects!