Ramen-ish dish

In the last few years my kid has started developing a better appreciations of flavors, and has taken a liking to Asian flavors.
An interesting find at the supermarket led to this dish.
The find was fresh ramen noodles, that just need 10 seconds of cooking or can just be added as they are to hot soup.
I read a few recipes online, going for quick and easy, and less worried about authenticity. I combined my findings, and this is the result.

A chicken stock based soup, with some shiitake mushrooms and spinach, chicken breast and jammy eggs, and noodles of course.

We’ve made a few times since then and everyone here likes it, so it’s a win.

Adding a recipe(-ish):
Dried shiitake mushrooms
1-2 Chicken breasts
A tablespoon of soy sauce
A teaspoon of sugar
minced garlic
Minced ginger
Chicken stock
Soy sauce
lemon juice
Half a cup of coarsely chopped spinach
Ramen noodles (fresh vacuum packed)
eggs (one for each diner)

Soak dried shiitake mushrooms an hour in advance.

Heat oven to 350°F.

Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper, sear in a pan with a bit of oil for about 3 minutes on each side. Transfer to a baking dish. Mix a tablespoon of soy and a teaspoon of sugar, and pour cout chicken. Cook chicken in oven for 20-30 minutes.
Slice the shiitake mushrooms.
In a medium sized pot, heat some oil and saute the mushrooms for a few minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and saute for a bit more (make sure not to burn the garlic).
Add the chicken stock and soy sauce and bring to a boil.
Reduce the heat and add some lemon juice, taste to adjust flavors at this point.
While the soup is cooking, prepare the eggs. The timing that worked for me was about 7:30 minutes in boiling water and then transferring the eggs to ice water. This might take some trial and error to find the perfect timing for you.
Into the soup, add half a cup of coarsely chopped spinach, and cook for another 5 minutes.
Put some ramen noodles in each bowl, and pour some of the soup over them. Stir to cook the noodles.
Top the soup with slices of the chicken breast and an egg cut in two (careful when peeling and cutting them, the yolks are very soft, making the entire egg delicate to handle).

Sorry I didn’t add exact measurements for stuff, I sort of winged most of it, so didn’t measure.
These are the ingredients I had on hand at the time, and that I knew my family would eat. There are many other toppings and things that can be added, go wild and enjoy :slight_smile:


Yum! My husband, who cooks 99% of the dinner meals, is a super fan of ramen so eat variations of it quite a bit. This looks like ramen all right!

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Looks delicious!

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I love ramen, I need to see if there is any place near me that sells fresh noodles.

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All the guys at my house eat ramen and they’d love this. Looks yummy!

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It’s pretty simple to make, I can try to write up a recipe of what I did, if you want.

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It looks amazing! :yum:

I love ramen! I bet fresh noodles really make them next-level!

Sure, that would be great! Thanks!

I make this a lot! I just crack an egg right into the broth before adding the noodles…yummy!

If you can get baby bok choy, that is a good veggie to sneak in…

This is really a versatile dish! Glad your kiddos like it!

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:snowflake: Congratulations! Your project is snow good, it’s featured this week! :snowflake:

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Mmmm… I have become appreciative of jammy eggs. There is still only one breakfast that I will allow runny eggs and it’s at a specific restaurant so jammy is a nice compromise with my husband.
Just look at those ramen noodles! Wow, yum. :heart_eyes:


This is reminding me I want to try making ramen. I found a grocery store that sells ramen, miso, and other ingredients, but have been intimidated to try making the ramen. This is reassuring, I’m gonna do it!

I added a recipe to the post.
@MistressJennie -can you please add the recipe tag?

Sorry it took so long, had to translate it from this to an actual recipe:

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Well done on translating that. Dish looks amazing

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