Ravenlight Fingerless Mitts

Ravenlight fingerless gloves

I restarted this about 3 times, first with different yarn that was getting way too big, then with some thinner yarn but the colors weren’t right. So I committed a crime and ran in and out of my LYS on a work break (ugh I could have stayed so much longer) to pick up just the right colors for this. What looks black is actually a deep raven blue/black.


OMGOSH I LOVE THEM!!! The colors, the style…. :star_struck:

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Wow! Stunning!

They are gorgeous and now officially one of my favorite accessories I own. It’s kind of my thing these days to wander our rural neighborhood and try to capture the birds but especially the Ravens on film. Also, my gamer name is Ravin Corvidae just to give an indication of how much I love Ravens and crows.


I’m so glad you love them! I’m relieved that after knitting they felt kinda snug but stretched a bit to be comfortably snug and perfect!


The colors and pattern are gorgeous on your gloves! Such beautiful work.

These came out sooo cool!! Your color work is amazing. You are the mitt master!

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Wow these are gorgeous! Great job!

These are so, so stunning my friend! :black_heart:

They are amazing!

Those are beautiful! Your colorwork is amazeballs!

Thanks everyone! The pattern is pretty amazing, I highly recommend!

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Wow, your knitting is absolutely stellar!! So beautiful!!

:gloves: :gloves: :gloves: Congratulations! Your Fingerless Mitts are a Featured Project this week! :gloves: :gloves: :gloves:


Thank you! That’s awesome :smiley:

These are stunning!!! What amazing work and the colors are just right. :hearts:

These are so nice. I love the colors together.

These are bada$$! I could totally see someone doing a double-take looking at them.

no crime committed!
These definitely needed to be worked up in the yarn you selected!!
Well done! :heart:

This is EXACTLY why I want to learn how to knit. These are so cool! Fantastic work Sheep.