Two easy footwear refashions. Used a utility knife to cut open the toes and cut off the ends, then sanded the edges smooth. Some E6000 to close leather, held closed with a few clothes pins.
My first attempt to make open-toed footwear. They were in rather poor shape, so they became the trial pair if I wasn’t happy with the result (and I wasn’t…)
The ‘dent’ across the toes - less obvious in the photo - combined with the stretched-out width, gave the toes a weird bulge. (I guess the original owner also had very wide feet.) So they ended up in a thrift store for $7 - the only way I could ever afford Ferragamo shoes and I had a plan to make them look less odd…
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I wouldn’t want to screw up Ferragamos either! I think the open toe worked out. Were you just tired of them? They looked in good shape in the before picture.
They were in good shape except for the weird ‘dent’ across the toe - not as obvious in the photo - which is probably why they were in a thrift store. I hoped making them open-toed would make it less obvious. Since the price was $7, I’d thought I’d give it a try. (I guess Ferragamo isn’t well known here, or at least by the person doing the pricing.)