Prompt/Challenge Title: Goal Hoops
Project Name & Page Link: Let Your Love Shine Prayer Flag
LC Swap: Sew Scrappy Rd 2
Team: Fitchburg Finches
Brief Description:
I’ve been working on trying to use smaller fabric scraps, and trying to be freer and looser with my quilting style. After making the Color Stack quilt (posted below), I had lots of little crumbs of the fabrics left over. Rather than either toss them or guilty put them in a bit to weigh on my heart later, I decided to use them up right away, in a prayer flag. Jim had been playing this song for Ada in the afternoon while I was quilting, and it got stuck in my head, so that became the theme. The only part that wasn’t scrap from the quilt top, was the background, which was solar printed at the Midwest Meetup last year.
Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice #1
Project Name & Page Link: Collage Board from Library Craft Night
Team: Fitchburg Finches
Brief Description:
I went to an adults craft night in the new maker space at our public library. I hadn’t gotten to explore in there before, and it was awesome. They had a nearly full class, but even with 40 people, there was still plenty of space to work. Papercrafting is NOT my medium, so I liked being pushed out of my comfort zone.
Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice #2
Project Name & Page Link: Star Blocks for marionberries
LC Swap: Sew Scrappy Rnd 2
Team: Fitchburg Finches
Brief Description:
My swap partner marionberries has been working on a star quilt. I saw her possible layout in the Quiltalong, and noticed she had a few gaps to fill, so I made a few smaller stars. Improvised with the 5" and 2.5" scrap blocks I keep on hand. No planning or drawing, or graph paper. Just made in one nap time!
Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice #3
Project Name & Page Link: Crockpot Bolognese Sauce for Neighbors
Team: Fitchburg Finches
Brief Description:
Our neighbors are expecting a second daughter in early October, so I’ve been making some freezer meals for both of us. I made a double batch of this slow cooker bolognese, with a mix of beef and Italian sausage, and it was heavenly. I had to use 2 crockpots to fit it all in, but it made 7 large containers (about 4 cups each?).
Prompt/Challenge Title: Housecraft - Scraps
Project Name & Page Link: Color Stack Quilt Top for marionberries
LC Swap: Sew Scrappy Rnd 2
Team: Fitchburg Finches
Brief Description:
I loved making a riff on the Color Stack Quilt. Every bit was from stash. Nearly all was already precut into 5" strips and 2.5" strips. I only had to raid the larger scraps for 2 or 3 tiny bits to fill in gaps. I love how it came out.