Results of two recent workshops

Last weekend I did a two day encaustic course. This is my second time doing this, and it’s a really enjoyable technique. Yet again I worked like a woman possessed and made 16 pictures-the average for a weekend is about 6.

These are a few of the more successful ones;

And today we had a one day workshop focusing of foliage, weeds specifically. I really wasn’t feeling it, but I’m happy with what I have done. Especially this first one. They are in acrylics, with some black ink and posca pen.

I really didn’t like how this ivy was shaping up, so I added soap bubbles-and why not! I’m sure I could draw a link from ivy to soap bubbles if I tried hard enough.


Wowwww! You’re amazing! These are all wonderful and my favorite is the ocean one. Those blues are so gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

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Woah, cool! The texture on the first one is striking. Makes me wish I could feel the surface of it. Those waves in the ocean one, and the clouds in the one with the tree are so beautifully swirled.

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These are fantastic! I’ve never tried encaustic, but there’s something about it that produces a texture unlike anything else - it’s fascinating. The sky in the last encaustic one is luminous, absolutely dreamy

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These are great and I love the ocean one!

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Whoa! These are so neat! I love how each encaustic creates a unique ethereal mood.

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I adore them all, but especially the encaustic pieces. In a weird coincidence, I was searching for an encaustic workshop near me earlier today. I’m still on the fence about whether I’ll do it, but your paintings have me leaning heavily toward yes!

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This in very nice work, so textured

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It’s very satisfying. But make sure it’s the kind of workshop in which you use blow torches and not just irons. For some of the effects, especially the water, you need the intensity of a blow torch.

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I’ve seen several videos about making laundry soap from ivy leaves. :grin:

Once again, your encaustic work actually makes me want to try the medium…


Those look great! It’s a medium I haven’t really loved before, just looked like wax poured on stuff which is a bit meh imo. This is so different from that tho, texture & interest. Very cool!

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I did not know that! Excuse me while I disappear down a rabbit hole

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Gorgeous! I love the variety from the same medium.

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Dang. Those encaustics look like they could be stared at for hours to discover all the little nuances in texture and color.

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:fire: Congratulations! This hot project is featured this week! :fire:

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Those encaustics are incredible!

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Thanks sweetie x

They’re all so lovely! My faves are the first one and the ocean - they’re very different from each other but both so appealing! Thanks for sharing them!

Have I ever told you you’re one of my art inspirations? These are so impressive! I keep zooming in to see all the wonderful textures and colors.

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Thank you so much for that sweets x

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