Round Two of Swaps-Your Ideas

I only just realized that Craftster was disbanned and this site was up within the past week so I can’t participate in a swap yet, but if someone would like to host an Animal Crossing swap in mid June I’d be on board! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Animal Crossiiiiing!! I’d do that if magnets aren’t chosen! Maybe 1 large or 1 med and 1 small, 1 month crafting time.


I love it and would totally be down to crochet an Animal Crossing ami!

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Happy you made your way here!! :heart:


Thanks! I was so busy with moving last year that I fell out of touch, I am happy that we still have somewhere to communicate.


I’d still be interested in hosting a kinetic / art-in motion swap (pop-ups, automata, mobiles, kites, windmills, marionettes, wind-ups, climbing or balance toys…anything that moves would be fair game!)

Partners would agree on either one large item OR medium plus a small. Long craft time, maybe 5 weeks.

I’m also loving the ideas of Animal Crossing, magnets, non-ongoing ATCs, adult merit badges, inspiring women… so many great ideas!


Ok, I’m all in for Common Grounds. The timing turned out to be horrible for me last round, but I’m good to go this time if it gets picked again. For any who missed seeing the info last time (and as a refresher for those who DID see it):

This is where you find things you have in common with your partner and craft with that in mind. It can be a favorite color. Or you both have dogs and she likes fridge magnets so you make her a doggy magnet, maybe you both :heart: Harry Potter… etc. You don’t have to craft for the same commonalities that your partner decides to craft for, either. You’ll probably find many things in common but you’d only craft for a few of them, or maybe just make multiple items that focus on one common area of interest, like maybe 3 HP items. For example. Hopefully that’s clearer than mud. It’s a great way to get to know people on the site a bit better.
I’m thinking 2 mediums or 1 medium and 2 smalls (4 points?) with a month or so to craft. I also strongly encourage using stash supplies, AND supplies could be included as a swap item, too, but at least one item must be crafted.


I am super-interested in this one. I think I will hang out for it

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I’m up for kinetic/art in motion! What a challenge!

And I would love to hoopla, @Camelama!


I would be willing to organize… I’m not sure what you’re asking though. It would be for 3 ATCs and a three week craft time. Are you asking for exact dates? I’m confused.

I’d so like to do another swap but shipping internationally is very restricted right now that I fear it’s better to pass on round 2 :pensive:

If you’re still able to send letter mail, any of the flat swaps would be ok for international sending. ATCs, 4X6, happy mail, art journal pages, masterboards, merit badges, even the hoopla if partners would agree to send unhooped work. It’s just as easy for me to put someone else’s embroidery into a hoop I was going to put mine into to send to them!


Are we doing Holiday Swaps this year? (mini 12 days of christmas,mini 13 days of halloween)? I know planning for these typically starts in the summer so I was just asking to see what was planned.


Had not thought about shipping issues… hmmmm…

Oh, if now is the time to consider holidays, then I will offer to host Halloween Advent. Shipping would be Sept 7th (ample time to arrive, even Intl.). 5 weeks crafting/prior is August 3rd (partners given).

We’ve talked about it for 2 years now, and never locked down if it would be 31 small items, or less. 13 is probably more realistic right now. Swappers would give a listing of ‘themes’ to pick from, to make a cohesive package. Examples, ‘steampunk’, ‘retro’, 'witchy ', ‘folklore’.

Or even ‘wool’, ‘embroidery’, ‘beaded’, ‘clay’ or ‘paper’.

It might be too early, but if not, I would like to get it on radar. Obviously, there is a commitment here, but it sure would be fun! Also, I have an idea…

And since we’re here, Twisted Christmas! I want some Yule Cat, and Gryla! But Christmas is further, so I’ll dial it back and see what happens.


I would totally be down for a Halloween advent. I wanted to do it before but didn’t have enough time.


You got it! We just ask for the length of time for crafting, because it helps people choose which swap they want to vote for. Thank you! I’ve got you on the list. :slight_smile:

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I am DOWN with Frida!!


Yay! I can’t wait for this new round. I got my craft room cleaned during quarantine so I am ready to go!

There seems to be a lot of great flat parcel options, but just in case people are interested, I’d love to host a postcard/notecard swap (mailable sizes). I find myself sending a lot of good cheer mail to friends currently. I’m hoping the habit will stick. :smiley:

Craft at least 10 cards for your partner, artists choice, so more like sweat shop. If you don’t include envelopes, could be fairly flat and sent from home. 3 weeks crafting time. OK with international sending required.