Sage ATC for geekgirl

I did a personal swap with @geekgirl for some paper crafting ephemera. In exchange she requested an ATC for her herb-themed collection. I decided to do a sage plant, but include the flowers, because they are so pretty!

This took me a while to make because the flowers were a bit fiddly to cut. Also, I had trouble getting the layout to look right, but, after I stepped away from it, I ended up liking the final result.

Some of the fiddly flower bits.


I love all the layering! The fiddly flowers are beautiful :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! I really liked the end porduct, but it was tough getting there! And, I cut way mroe flowers than I needed :laughing:

This is beautiful! I love it :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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It’s great! And I love sage.

Here’s a pic on my collage of herb ATCs for my kitchen wall. Hard to get a pic without glare as they are all in sleeves.


What a great collection! I love the variety of styles, too.