Just stopping by here to post one thing I’ve been making lately that makes me giggle.
I love watching our little weird and wild yard chickens so I decided to pay them homage with a series of cups (and some mugs in progress).
Many of them found new homes before I had a chance to take photos of them (ooops) but here’s one!
(The sassy side is blurred )
HEHEHEE! and sorry… (And thanks so much! I’ll try to stick around this time….)
Funny story, when we first moved into our current place ~10 years ago, our neighbors were raising roosters and my in laws were visiting soon after… everytime a rooster crowed, husby’s dad would squawk “I’m an A$$H*LE” to the same inflection. It took literal years to get that out of my head….
These are fantastic and so chickeny! The feather texture is great & you always do such a good job with your photo shoots.
Also, haha
I loved having birds on the farm back in the day, they actually have so much personality. My sister @Lulu has potter friends equally obsessed with chickens, funny how chickens & pottery just seem to go together . They wrote a book, The Four Chickens of the Asquawkalypse. Super weird!