Saturday Morning Fever

Do you remember Saturday mornings as a kid? Grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting in front of the TV to watch your favorite cartoon? What about heading out on your bike for an adventure? This swap would bring back those memories. You could craft something around your childhood memories. Anybody in?


Oh, this sounds quite interesting as a swap idea!

My dad worked a regular job Mon-Thursday and worked on the family farm owned by spinster aunts on Fridays and Saturdays. I always joined him on Saturdays. It was a small mixed farm and for a child it was heaven. There was always something interesting to see or do. And when we left we always got a big box of food to take home to mum, and I got a 5 guilder coin (that’s from before we had euro). It would have been 2 or 3 USD but the coins were gold-coloured, small and heavy, so they felt like a LOT of money.


DuckTales. That was my childhood. :joy:


@gozer, for sone reason we thought we weren’t supposed to watch that one, so we snuck over to a friends to watch it. Song will be in my head all night now


I loved Saturday mornings. Old school Looney Tunes, The An American Tale series, The Little Mermaid Cartoon series. I miss days like that.


I didn’t have a tv as a kid. We read pretty much every book in our small-town library, though. Asterix and Obelix were a huge favorite. Tintin was as well. Those comic book stories we read over and over and over. But there were lots of “real” books, too.

Saturday cartoons happened more when my oldest was a little guy- Darkwing Duck and Tale Spin were popular. And The Real Ghostbusters and Scooby Doo.


I love this idea. I enjoyed my Saturday morning cartoons and every day cartoons lol. Talespin, looney toons, school house rock, gummy bears, recess, doug, duck tales and the list goes on and on.


Depending on the parameters and timing I might dip my toes back into the swap pool for this one.

We have a local independent theater in our city which runs a Saturday morning all you can eat cereal and retro cartoons line up. Three hours of programming with curated retro tv commercials added in. We like to attend a few times a year, and we try not to miss the Christmas installment as it’s always a highlight.


I am extremely jealous of this

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I’d still be interested in this swap! I enjoyed an interesting medley of kid’s shows since we only got a few channels. We didn’t have cable when I was a kid but we did get Canadian stations, so I remember everything from Warner Brothers cartoons to PBS to Mr. Dressup and The Big Comfy Couch on the CBC. At some point my uncle taped some Hanna Barbera cartoons on VHS so we weren’t missing out on childhood staples like Johnny Bravo and Cat-Dog.
I also remember a distinct lack of children’s shows on Sundays, so I watched Julia Child & Jacques Pepin instead. :slight_smile:


The Bug Comfy Couch! I loved that show. Even though I may have been a bit older but I was always with my younger cousin so she always got to pick. She picked Big Comfy Couch. Lol. I also loved Lamb Chops Play Along. I remember watching it in the mornings when I ate breakfast before school.

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You’re the first person I’ve encountered to ever know that show! I just realized this morning that the big comfy couch was a Canadian show, because they were all the same to me as a kid. Did you and your cousin watch Mr. Dressup or Theodore Tugboat too?

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Big Comfy Couch, I loved that she was a chunky girl and did that clock thing. Healthy & fit representation of a real sized person. Everybody in kid’s programming is still so sickeningly skinny! Like what happened to strawberry shortcake?


I LOVED Mr. Dress-Up! I was always eager to see what was in the Tickle Trunk. And The Friendly Giant! “Look Up…. Look waaaay up….” :smiling_face:


Family Dog!!!

I may have to start this swap up.

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