Would you share more about how you got all those wild colours to blend so well? Was it how you paired the 2 yarns knit together? You managed to make pink look like a variation of green, etc. It’s just incredible.
This looks so cozy and your tension is so spot on! Definitely looks professionally made!
It looks great! I really need to get around to knitting myself a sweater one of these days.
Hmm, I can say that I tried to pick color combos (between the two yarns held) that were interesting. I even tried some combos that I thought would be possibly ugly, some worked out and some didn’t (the ones the didn’t ended as very short stripes lol). When I would change to another 2 yarn combo I tried to keep in mind that it wasn’t too close in color story to the one before it. So like if I had a blue-forward stripe, the next stripe might be a neutral-forward stripe with flecks or brief flashes of a color like orange or red. And certainly part of it all was chance. It was all a big experiment in color theory I guess. Thankfully if it started to go ugly I could course correct by starting a stripe of another color. And another thing to mention is I think having neutrals as sort of a relief point to break up ALL THE COLOR helps a lot. Neutrals and different tones of color, so like pastels vs vibrant hues. If it was all super vibrant, I think that definitely would have been down rainbow barf road.
I don’t know if any of this makes sense but that’s what I was thinking as I worked through it.
Congrats! Your fantastic work is one of this week’s Featured Project!
Thank you!
I bought the pattern…I still have so much yarn leftover…it has been years since I made a sweater, so when it gets chillier (i.e. 60 degrees or so…), I am going to get started!
Awesome It’s such a chill pattern, it’d be boring if not for the stripes!
I don’t see myself making all the socks I thought I would when I lived up North…I am going to use the good stuff and make one sweater with some of it, even if it is not super scrappy.
Send an SOS if more scraps are needed lol I have some to spare (still!) hah.
no give backs! Pass them along or use them for another sweater…I have plenty! lol
This is fabulous!
I’m so impressed w your perseverance!