Scrap-busting Sweater, A journey in pictures

I finally found a sweater knitting pattern that is totally my vibe: the Whatever sweater. It is super easy to follow, I love it so much.

Here is my basket of scraps I started with

Yoking along…

I love seeing the progression of pattern. The stitch is so basic but the color switching keeps it fun. For anyone concerned, I was knitting yarn ends in so there was very minimal end weaving when I was done.

Trying it on as I go.

Was at a little of a dead end here when I was running out of scraps! No worries, LCers to the rescue!

Here’s an overflowing box of scrap yarns from some generous hearts sent me to help me to the finish line! Thank you @Abbeeroad @MistressJennie @AIMR @Cindy @tendstowardschaos :heart:

And she’s done!!! The arms might have gone a smidge long, but better too long than too short.

Close-up of the cacophony of colors. I had thought to myself that if this turned into rainbow barf it’d just be an around the house sweater, but I’m totally going to wear it out. Just not right now…seems very fitting that I’d knit a whole sweater in the hottest part of summer.


And for fun, I turned it inside out so you can see all the yarn ends. These are all already woven in, just little tails hanging out for insurance.


This is wonderful and looks great on you!


This came out so AMAZING!!! It looks fantastic on you darling, and I love how many friends added to it.


Superb!!! It’s like a scrap quilt, but in a knitted sweater :star_struck: I would totally wear that all the time too!!!

What weight wool did you use to knit?


Wait. How in the world did it come out so awesome with random friend yarns coming in at the end of a second sleeve?? It looks totally right even though totally random? You, friend, are a wizard. It is a great looking sweater, looks good on you AND you finished it in time to wear it in the season it works best in. Kudos!


Thanks everyone for all the love!

@PrincessP - The yarn is all fingering weight (though a few were pushing into sport territory), but the pattern has you combining 2 yarns for each stripe. I think it actually helps to blend all of the different colors by doing that. (I am however, now doing this same pattern with bulky weight yarn, so this pattern is super versatile!)

@AntBee - I still had some of my original scrap stash for the final arm (greens and more neutral tones) which I think helped tie it together with the rest of the sweater. Definitely can’t really tell that it’s almost all new yarns unless you start looking at the individual yarns.


Oh my gosh, your sweater is so amazing! It’s so chaotically gorgeous and cozy-looking.


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! :heart_eyes:


Oh, it’s just the best thing ever. I love it entirely. You managed to marry all the yarns into a somehow homogeneous profusion of delicious colour. Really amazing.

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This is so cool - and you are s superstar for knitting this in the summer!


This sweater is so awesome looking even without knowing the scrappy origin story!


Gorgeousness in random color!


This turned out really cute and totally looks fantastic on you!


I think the pattern you used is just the best for all of us who love scrappy things! The blending is magical! Hope you can use your leftover yarns now to make more of these for your cold winters!

It looks great…and yes, wear it out and wear it often…wonderful job!


I love the way it uses scraps, yet looks cohesive. This is fantastic! And I love a longer sleeve.


Wow, i normally am not a fan of scrappy knits other than cowls, but this is fantastic! I would wear this!!!


I love how the colors are blended so well. It’s a very cohesive pattern. Seeing the box of yarn, I though “eep!” but it works. I love it! And, it looks great on you. And… that is so awesome that LCsters came to the rescue to help you see it through to the end. <3


I love this so much! It looks great on you! And I love that the community sent you yarns too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love it!

One day I’ll overcome my irrational sweater fear and knit one for me :laughing:


Thanks for all the lovely comments :smiley: I am definitely proud of this one. Like @Annchen, I definitely had struggles with learning how to read patterns for wearable clothing so this feels like a big victory.