Scrappy paper bag mini book

Many years ago limeriot posted a journal made of washed brown paper bags & I have loved making books out of that material ever since.

The pages are so nicely textural. Iโ€™ve machine sewn two layers together for each page to make them sturdy enough to be kettle stitched. There are 5 little signatures.

End pages are cut from old jeans

Case bound in fabric covered cardboard with bits of ribbon & scrappy beads.

This was a really delightful scrap/stash buster to make.


What a fun journal! I havenโ€™t seen the washed brown paper before, it looks really satisfying to touch! Would love to hear more about the process and how you make the pages.


I love this!

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Thereโ€™s a link to the original tutorial in this post, the cheesecloth adds even more texture!


I love this little book so much!!! I canโ€™t wait to fill it with arty things.


Absolutely lovely and scraptastic and joyful.

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What a little charmer! And another really great use for that scrappy fabric you make so well!

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I would struggle with using it because itโ€™s so amazing!

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Adorable! This came together so nicely!

And, for the record, I miss limeriot. I hope sheโ€™s doing ok.

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Great little journal; so colorful! Thanks for the link to the page that links to the tutorial, too. Looks so easy to do!

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Check out the link I posted to the tutorial, it includes detailed photos & instructions.
I used a combo of shopping bags & gift bags.