Secretly Nerdy Scarf

I have looked at mosaic crochet in the past, and it never struck my fancy, but recently I got a wild hair to try it. Of course, from a technical standpoint it is very simple, but reading the graphs is a slight learning curve. So I made a dishcloth to be sure I had the charting straight in my head, and then I got nerdy with it.

I’m secretly hoping someone besides me will recognize what this is before I have to say, but that also seems kinda rude. So… It’s a map from an old Atari game called Slot Racers, or I think also Maze. I’m really pleased with how it came out.


I wouldn’t have been able to identify where the pattern came from, but I love how it came out!

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I was into different Atari games, so would not have recognized… but it is fabulous! I love the color of the mazes, and I love that it is secretly nerdy!

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Pacman and BlackOut (?)(the one with the ball and paddle and blocks) were my Atari “drugs” of choice.

Nice work on your cool scarf!

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It came out beautifully!

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Thank you! I think for my next project I am going to make a blanket with an actual maze charted out in black and white.

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What a cool pattern! The colors are also lovely…nerdy…3 times a charm!

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It looks amazing, and I love that it’s also a shoutout to old-school games! :slight_smile:

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Wow! This looks great! One more reason to want to learn crochet…

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That looks great! I have to admit, while I’m pretty darn nerdy, I wouldn’t have guessed that one!

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My sister and I played Combat, Ms Pacman, and Maze Craze like they were going out of style. Which they were… We didn’t get an NES until like a year after the SNES came out. Until then the 2600 stood us in good stead.

It’s awesome!

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This is really cool.

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Very cool! I love that it is secretly nerdy!

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