Sewing Kit

This is a remake of one my beloved grandma had. It’s two circles with seam binding on the edges. Then you make a small circle in the center and sew leaving a small hole to stuff it. Then you sew it closed. So basically it’s two individual circles connected in the center. Then you get 8 or 9 small spools of thread and string them onto narrow elastic. You then put them in the flaps and safety pin little pockets for each spool. Add small scissors and you have a handy dandy sewing kit. I made it for my daughter. I am tired of sewing buttons on her uniforms, and everyone occasionally needs a safety pin right? Always thought it was pretty cool when I was a kid. I have my granny’s treadle machine and her button jars they are priceless to me.


How clever, what a great gift!

Clever and handy. I love the fabric by the way!

Useful and cute! Love that it’s based off your grandma’s. Passing in the sewing gene!

Cute and handy! The very best type of gift!

That’s pretty cool!

So clever and pretty!

I like the concept of this and it came out really nice!

Thanks. I love that fabric too I only had a bit of it. Walmart sells those cheap sewing kits with 12 small spools of thread, sewing needles and a needle threader for 97 cents. Works perfect for this.

Clever and I love that you remember this from your grandma!

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The next generation.
This is Zoey making a dolly blanket. She knows how to sew pretty well. She knows how to start, stop and pivot. She has to semi stand to reach the pedal. She is 5.


This is soooo cute and charmingly practical! I’m pinning it right now!

Congrats! Your Sewing Kit is one of this week’s featured projects! You rock!

Thanks! I’m getting my sewing groove back.

I haven’t seen anything like that before. What a neat way to make a sewing kit.