Sky manta tea wallet

I needed to make a new tea wallet as my current favorite bagged tea (Steven Smith Teamaker’s Portland Breakfast) comes in extra long rectangular bags, and they don’t fit in my other small tea wallets.

So I grabbed my big bin of felt, some thread, a few beads, and decided to do a bit of fan art of my favorite game.

Thus, the sky manta tea wallet. Two Portland Breakfast bags are in it now (1 per pocket) but each pocket could handle 3 stacked bags in a pinch. I need to reinforce the button hole so it doesn’t stretch too much or tear.

The sky manta is a creature from the game “Sky: Children of Light”, it can fly by & kidnap you (in a non-violent manner) and whisk you away from where you meant to be going. (Easy to escape from them tho)

All supplies from stash, and I used up felt scraps, yay! Also used some lovely teal wool/silk thread from a sample set, for stitching on the pockets & button. Love the thread but i don’t remember where i bought it, so can’t get more! Hilarious, thanks past me for not making notes on where i bought it. :crazy_face: :rofl:

Process photos & my snoopervisor:


So cute! I love the colors and the little bead details! Plus you’ll get to see it every time you have a cuppa.

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Love your snoopervisor! Great tea wallet and a fun theme. Your pincushion is pretty awesome as well.

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Ditto everything Pam just said.

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It’s a Fabric & Ink pincushion i managed to snag before she got so popular - these days she sells out quickly upon update!

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What a lovely tea wallet. The colors are so relaxing… the perfect start to a lovely cup of tea.

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Very nice, lovely tea wallet.

Your pincushion is such a pretty one :orange_heart:

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Love how personal this is. Both the size and the feature on the front!

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I love this! Lovely job. And “snoopervisor” had me giggling.

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Snoopervisor inspection!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I love snoopervisor! Also, I immediately recognized it from Sky, though I’ve only played the mobile version. This is great!

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You are the first person I’ve met who has ever played the game! This is incredible! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

I would totally play it more but it was so heavy on the memory/processing it threatened to melt my phone! What platform do you play it on?

I play on my iPad, one-handed steering. Which means I can’t do some of the hacks like chibi falling, but I am very uncoordinated when it comes to two-handed controls in games, so eh. It’s a trade-off and I’m happy. It just means I can’t get into some of the four person door areas sometimes without a very long wait. Or some of the out of bounds areas. These days I really only play the game for socializing and having fun in the game, I don’t stress about candle-running and getting every single item. I am comfortable with the krill, and losing to them is like “eh! That was fun, at least!”. :rofl:

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Cute button closure and nice colors. Felt is so easy to work with.

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