Small Batch Ornament Match Swap CLOSED (Send Nov 1-11)

I’m so relieved that mine are arriving safely.


Great packing job; the paper was torn and tin was dented, but the ornament was in perfect shape!


Glad to hear I went with a tin - and not a box - then!


Mine was the same—paper torn and tin slightly dented, but ornament in perfect condition!


Hubster used to work for the post office. He said some employees see the word “fragile” as an invitation to kick it across the room. I pack as if one of those jerks will be in charge, and NEVER write fragile on the package.


Just a little reminder as we head into the holidays: please don’t forget LC this year! We enjoy this place for all the fun swaps and wonderful inspirations. We have formed some lasting and amazing friendships. And we have done it cost-free. Please think about giving to show your support and love of this great community!


Hope everyone has donated to keep our site strong!

By my calculations, 84% of our ornaments have shipped, 44% have been received, and 100% are fabulous! Thanks, everyone!


I will be sending mine soon!

And I hope everyone donates at least a little something, too. If you are swapping, you are enjoying one of the great benefits of this fantastic site - for free. Since it is the season of Gratitude, let’s show how thankful we are with a donation to our lovely online home!


Yes, I’ve given recently and hope everyone else does the same!

Just a couple more days before the send-out deadline; be sure to let me know when you ship. Also let me know if you see any mistakes in the sent/ received tables at the top of the swap. Thanks!

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Received a wonderful landscape from @Lynx and an irrepressible cheerful monster from @Kwality570!

Here are some from the past rounds. I was in quite a few.

Ceramic snowflake prints, lace trees, ninja turtles, felt kitty, winter baby in a long hat, steampunk snowflakes on leather, penguins ( they were in a variety of colors, but I got a dapper grey)… So many fun friends to put up!


Wow! What an amazing collection!


Remember, tomorrow is the deadline for send-outs. If you haven’t shipped yet, please get those ornaments in the mail and shoot me a message to let me know they are on their way. Thanks much!

:deer: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:


Hey folks, i mailed ornaments out today. Forgot to put my notes in each envelope, tho! Oops! I was going to mail on Saturday but work has been unmitigated hell lately and i simply gave up & hibernated in bed all day yesterday. Just me & tea & books & cats.

But today was sunny & dry, so I got myself up & out & got the ornaments mailed!


Question of the week: what is the largest batch (of anything, not just ornaments) that you have ever made?

I was going to say the Halloween zines (90 of them!), but then realized I used to make larger batches of cookies. When my son was still in school, the school had a golf-themed fundraiser. I think I made over 200 cookies, all decorated. It was quite a slog! And we had cookies drying (on racks and trays and pieces of freezer paper…) all over the dining room as well as the kitchen.

Wish I had a good picture of the golf cookies; this one is awful.


Christmas cookies! Growing up, my family basically filled a coat closet with Christmas cookies. Both for us & for gifting. I can remember each day was a different cookie, some of which we made 20 dozen of.

Other than cookies, I have done some huuuuge ornament swaps where you would make 50 or more of the same. It was brutal & it died out after a few years when people started ghosting.


I used to do mini swaps; the biggest was 40 identical items.

I think I did about 60 cupcakes for a fundraiser.
Aside from those, dozens of petit cups of fudge, candy, cookies.


The magnets i just made!
I sent on Saturday. Used the machine because of the holiday.

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Cookies? Probably. Sooooooo many Christmas cookies every year.


Wow, so many cookies!

I was so excited to get my happy yellow flamingo from @AuFish today.

It’s going to look so great on my tree!
Thanks, @AuFish!


I know mail has been slow, and I’m starting to get worried about my other three little bears!