Snake Bucket

I haven’t gotten up the gumption to tackle any of the bigger Halloween project ideas I have, but I did have the gumption (and surprisingly this took A LOT of gumption) to make a snake bucket.

We’ve a bit of a mad scientist’s lab thing going on in our main bathroom during October that includes a few hanging cages of poor captive specimens. While I decide what to really do with this particular garage-sale birdcage I have filled it with assorted rubber snakes.

It’s more awful if they’re just dripping out of it! And funnier if there are Lab Policies and Prodecures to deal with them!

The bucket is one of a few I was given when a friend bought a defunct bar/restaurant several years ago and was remodeling/rebranding. His was a classy joint!

I masked it well then used an ivory spray paint I had on hand to “rebrand” it. I also primed it with stashed rattle can, too.

The red vinyl is from stash, too! Cut with Cricut Explore.

Special thanks to @steiconi @bluebird @Animegirlie @grabacoffee and @marionberries for generously answering my cries for help in the Discussion and Questions section in the Paper & Vinyl section! I did not get what I was initially intending, but I got something suitable-enough for a silly Halloween decoration!



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This is hilarious!

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Thanks, friends!

Always glad to help, though you had great advice from all sides. Fun results in da bucket!

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Your bathroom set up with snakes is absolutetly hilarious!

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That is so funny! :laughing:

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Haha, so scary! If I would knew that you’ll do such a think, I wouldn’t help haha! :slight_smile: Just kidding. Awesome idea!

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Haha. I knew this would be you. Hilarious and awesome!

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So good. This would also work as the trick-or-treaters’ Halloween candy bin, held high enough that kids can’t see what’s inside (but their parents could). :snake:


Thanks, pals!

@grabacoffee Well, I have a half-dozen or so more of those Budweiser buckets, so my new knowledge could be put to use for more mundane purposes in the future! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Abbeeroad I’m that predictable, huh? :grimacing:

@calluna One of the downsides of moving from the city to the woods is not having trick-or-treaters anymore. One of the upsides is that we can put decorations outside and know that are 98% likely to be unharmed and not stolen.

Be careful walking in the woods at night alone.


With my fear of clowns, you would find me dead in your woods…

Snakes, that is another thing…I like snakes and love your bathroom decor!

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Now I need a snake bucket!

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@AIMR Thanks! Luckily that guy is not visible from the house. He’s visible from the road, but he’s a dozen yards from that, too.

@thanate TheMisterT and I now have a joke about “the snake bucket” like it’s a thing that people just have around. “Do you have a basket to put these potatoes in?” “No, but we can just use the snake bucket.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Flipping awesome. But if I ever visit your house in October, there’s no way I can pee in that bathroom. LOL

That is funny! Don’t let the bucket get too full Igor!

Thanks, ladies!

@MistressJennie You can use the upstairs bathroom… but if you tell anyone what you find in there you could end up buried in the woods. :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@kittykill “No, it’s your turn to empty the snake bucket! I did it last time!”

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I LOVE the snake bucket. We have one of those Bud Light buckets too. (Hubby is a food and bev director.) He uses it as a butt can on the deck. It would be MUCH more attractive as a snake bucket!

I’ve never loved a bucket so much. :laughing: :heart_eyes: