Snickerdoodle Cookies

My sweet tooth has been bothering me lately so I felt the need to bake some cookies. I would show more but these were the only two left.

I used this recipe and they turned out amazing!


Ooh, yummy!

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Yum! I love snickerdoodles but have never actually made them.

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They are really easy to make. I thought they would be a bit more difficult but it is basically a sugar cookie with cream of tartar.


I remember making Snicker Doodles in 4 H cooking. So easy. I’ll have to test a gluten free version. Should be easy. And the “not quite there yet” ones are always edible anyway.


Yum! I can taste the cinnamon from here… I should add that most cookies at my house don’t stand a chance of being photographed! You were probably lucky to catch a pic of the last two!

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I love snickerdoodles and love so much that there are only two left


Snickerdoodles are my hubby’s fave! I made a diabetic friendly version a while back— NOT great. :confused: But every now and again he will indulge, so I may have to try this recipe!

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Yum-o! Snickerdoodles are one of my favorites. I have actually had the same recipe pinned for awhile but haven’t tried it.

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ok wait a minute…didn’t you make these before? I think you are using Lettuce Craft as an excuse to make cookies to post and make us hungry!!!

ha ha They look yummy, and yes, someone made them here because I printed the recipe already!

mmmmm We love cookies!

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Yesssss, please!