I was going to toss the little bits, but sewed them to a backing instead. This is about a foot square. I think it will look better after a tour of the washing machine:
Yes. Larger pieces I sewed on lengthwise (1.5" wide, 3 -4" long; I call them “fins”); smaller bits (1/2" wide x 2" long or so, " fringe") were sewn on crosswise. Stitch lines are 1/2" -1" apart so the backing muslin is hidden.
Here’s what they look like after washing; the one I posted earlier is on the right, a random mix of fins and fringe.
The one on the left alternates a row of fins with a row of fringe in two strips, with flat stitched patchwork in between:
The alternating rows gave better coverage and a more even surface.
Areas of all fins tend to fold together and show the back of the fabric.
The flat sewn patches let the muslin show.
The colors are too bright and clashy for me. I was going to make couch pillows, but I wouldn’t want to look at this every day.
I’ll stick these in the cupboard and maybe find a use later. Tea dying them might make them less intense.
I think I might try a new version, limiting the colors. Because , you know, scraps happen.