SOLVED - Did I break something? (replies)

Usually when I make a reply to an existing thread, the reply window opens under the previous text and I see a preview of my reply on the right.
Now my reply window opens in the bottom middle of the screen and I no longer have a preview.
Did I mess up some setting? Or is this new?

I was going to add a post to the Holiday Cards Ideas (CAL) thread, with pictures. I am used to entering the pictures first and then describing how I made them. But I cannot see a preview and therefore find it hard to describe what I did (without seeing the actual cards I made in a preview).

So, did something change site wide, or did I mess up?
And how do I fix it, so that my replies to posts have previews again?

(Working on an iMac.)

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interesting…I’m not getting a preview on this reply. I added a picture, but same thing, no preview.

So I created a new topic in this category, and then in another; no previews.

I noticed this on my android phone the other day, didn’t realize it was on the tablet, too.

I deleted pix and topics to avoid clutter.

Kindle android tablet.

Hah! Thanks for the solution, @megwell !

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I’ve only ever had the side-by-side preview window on a computer; my phone (Android) has the bottom-center text box you describe, and these interfaces haven’t changed for me recently.

There is a way you can preview posts in the latter view. Click on the little computer icon bottom right, and you should be able to see your post/photos.

From the preview, the little pencil icon takes you back to the text box view if you want to edit further.

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I think I found it…

I don’t have the screen icon you circled, @megwell, but I did have a little (easily overlooked) > button.
After I clicked it, I got my previews back!

I must have accidentally clicked the double << that are now at the right bottom corner of the reply box.