Sophie's Universe

After many years of picking it up now and again, in April of this year I made it a mission to finish this thing…

(for size reference, that’s a king sized bed)

Earlier this year, this is where we were:

There were a few hiccups along the way, like when I lost yarn chicken but figured that close enough was better than redoing some 800+ stitches…

Trying to figure out how to attach the granny squares and then the border because of course i ended up with the wrong number of stitches! These were my finalist for the last round, did I make the right choice?

And, of course, the big moment - stuffing hundred(s?) of hours of work into a washing machine for the first time, because if it can’t survive that, it’s not going to make it in my house anyway!

As much as I love the sense of accomplishment, I’m not sure I can handle too many other huge projects - I admit I like instant gratification and I run out of steam… I think I started this in 2018? Maybe? But yay, it’s DONE!


Wow. Just… wow.


Wow, congratulations!! Mine is in about the exact same state as your 2nd picture, I think we lost steam about the same time :joy: Wonderful accomplishment and it looks great!

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So beautiful! And it must feel great to get it done and off your WIP list. (Oh, you don’t have a WIP list? I assumed everybody did!) It really is a stunner, and glad it survived the washing machine!


Hahaha, my WIP list is on my goal sheet for next month … I’m slowly chipping away at the oldest ones first… while I continue to start making newer ones… :wink:


Your dedication was worth it. It’s stunning!

Now that is about the size of the universe as far as crochet projects go… :smile:

It turned out beautiful, and yes, you picked good colors. So many cool stitches…lot of texture.

I bet you are glad to move on, but this sure was worth it…it is a beauty!

Gorgeous! I love the squiggly corners added to the octogon.

Beautiful. And I admire your ability to finish such a big project no matter how long it took.
Now to just enjoy it.

That is so impressive! What a feat! It turned out amazingly!

I’m so glad you finished it! It was great seeing updates and hearing how things were going as you pushed through to finish this beast of a blanket. It looks amazing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Congratulations on sticking to it this year and gettin’ 'er done! Now you know that you can even if you decide never to do another ginormous project again.

This makes me tired looking at it. Both because working on it for years and also because I want to collapse on the bed and wrap up in it.


I love this blanket!! So pretty!

What a beauty!

That is great! Well done for finishing it!

I started one myself, when it was the blanket everyone did! But I only did the circle in the middle (up to the dark brown edge on your circle). And I did it in a sport yarn so its pretty small. But I have the circle on my noteboard as a reminder. :slight_smile:

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As another persin working on a massive project, I applaud you! What an accomplishment! It’s beautiful.

This is AMAZING!! Yay you!!!

It’s gorgeous!

Absolutely beautiful. I’m glad you made this happen! WIPs are hard.