Spanish Paella

This year I had my very first paella! I was immediately hook and knew it needed to be in my repertoire. Paella is actually not as hard to make as I thought it would be. Once you get to a certain point, you even stop stirring and just add things to the top. This makes it so you get a lovely crunchy bottom. I don’t think I’ve ever made something with saffron in it, and had recently bought some at discount, so its time had come! I love this recipe because its super adaptable. It also have chicken thighs in it, which is great for my non-seafood loving child. I’ve done mine once with clams and another time with muscles (that were pre-cooked and frozen) and both were delicious.

My next goal is to get a proper paella pan. These were done in my largest flat bottom skillet pan with lid. A lid is important for this recipe! Also, make sure you get the good rice for recipe, spanish! Recipe will be below!


Looks so yummy! We love paella and fresh mussels are quite easy to get here. Sometimes we had sausage as well…it is very versatile and once you get saffron, it lasts quite a long time! Good job!


Paella is so yummy! Yours looks very tasty!

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Ooooo! Yummmmmm! We have paella a few times a year and it’s always so good.

Let this serve as a warning to you:

On the lower right is TheMisterT’s friend making paella at TheMisterT’s birthday celebration a few months ago. That big pan is not even close to his largest paella pan! Even the pans are addictive!


My grandpa used to make a mean paella! Yours looks amazing.

@TheMistressT - Now THAT is a pan!


Oh baby! Now that is a paella pan! I would be so down for that size! I love making food for a crowd!

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This friend has a 6’ paella pan! Takes 2 burners. The paella in the picture is two in one. Seafood on one side, non-sea food on the other, so no fishy taste at all for a few of our guests who don’t like it AT ALL.

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That’s so cool!!! I so need to have a paella feed day with my husband’s family! We definitely have one family member who can’t do shellfish!

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That looks sooo good… Totally gotta look into making paella…

P.S. If you’re looking for more ways to use the saffron up before it goes stale, this recipe we first tried from Blue Apron (but have made dozens of times since) is wonderful. I make the saffron rice in my rice cooker during the day, and stir fry it at dinner time. The Ras-el-Hanout chicken is amazing on top. And if you can’t find a blend in a store, you can totally make your own quickly and easily. I make a batch every couple months, and sometimes make a giant batch so I can give it away as gifts.


Oh yum!! That recipe looks awesome! Thanks for sharing! I always need new ideas!

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