Spinning Camel Roving

Hmm…considering I didn’t even fully understand everything you said, it sounds like spinning camel may be above my skill level, and possibly equipment level since all I have right now is a drop spindle.
The research continues!

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Interesting! I’ll have to keep that in mind when I’m looking at fiber to get. Also, I second @Magpie - we need more camel keeping details! :grin:

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What type of drop spindle? if it’s light and a little smaller with center weight (instead of outer whorl weight) you could still spin on it. Centre weighted spindles spin faster, but for shorter periods of time, and outer weighted whorls spin longer but slower.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask me any questions to clarify anything that wasn’t understood! I didn’t take the master spinner course to bogart the information in my brain forever.
Also, psh skill level. You can do anything you want to do, all you have to do is try. And the first step to getting good at something is failing. The second step is to try again, and again and again until you’re good at it. So don’t let some arbitrary “skill level” stop you from spinning some camel if you want to.


Haha well I’m a zoo keeper so I suppose that technically the zoo owns them. But they’re mine, I have been taking care of them, well the male at least, for 6 years. Our female is only 3. They are the reason I have stayed at my zoo for this long really. Bogart stole my heart and I have been smitten with all things camels ever since. I hope to one day have some of my own but for now Bogart and Audrey fill that need.

Camel owning is very much a thing! Dromidary (one humps) are the most common. But Bactrians are gaining popularity, especially in colder climates. There are several camel dairies in the US and camel treks and rides are becoming more common too. Many countries consider them exotics, even though they have been in a domeatic setting for thousands of years, so that is a large barrier of entry for a lot of folks.


I agree with absolutely everything Bella said about skill level. If you wait until you’re ‘good enough’ to try something, you’ll never start. The best thing about the fiber arts is our medium will always grow more!