St. Patrick’s Day Junk Envelope

I made this junk envelope for the March tea cabinet. I am happy with the way it turned out. These are so fun to make.


Ooooh! Love the clover and the butterflies!

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Very pretty, I love the vintage. I need to get started on making my cards! Can you elaborate on what a March tea cabinet is?

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That’s so pretty!

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Lovely indeed!

Thanks everyone!

@irid3sc3nt I have a cabinet in my kitchen dedicated to vintage things and tea. I’ll have to post a picture and show you.

That’s so pretty…it makes me happy just looking at it :slight_smile:
I can’t wait to see your cabinet!!

This is the one from February.


Nice and green and lucky! It’s going to look great in your cabinet.

Here is the cabinet for this month.


Ooooo! I am digging all the green in this one!

I love how you change out the cabinet for the holidays! So much to see and enjoy each month!

And, love how you make a project to go into it…just so sweet to have all of those little things to display!

@kittykill Thank you for the photos! Now I understand what you were talking about. Beats my very suburban decorations of wreath, garden flag, and fake flowers. Sometimes my son and I write on our steps with sidewalk chalk.