Star Wars Hoodie

Made this hoodie for client. It turned out really cute, but making clothing for clients is really nerve wracking.
I hope her daughter likes it. This pattern is really nice for using smaller pieces of fabric and also stopping the busy fabric from take over. :grinning:


I love it! I love the contrast and it being at angles! The Star Wars fabric is really cool.

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Very cool! Love the black as contrast

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Oh I love this! And is that cork where the hoodie strings are??

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Yes, it is apart of the pattern, but also is needed for stability. Although the drawstring is just for decoration, which I didn’t realize till the end but by then it was too late to adjust.:woman_shrugging:

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Very cool! I like that the hoodie has more character with the asymmetry and the fabrics you chose are super fun!


I love the rainbow galaxy background print. :green_heart:

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This is really cool and pretty!!!

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This is awesome! I want one now! It seems like every time you post something, I want it… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I totally agree about wanting all your stuff. They are right up my alley! This is great.

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Oh wow! This may be one of my faves that you have created. Love the contrast.

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