Stashbuster Cotton Summer Cardigan

This cardigan checked every box for me - totally from stash, long and loose, organic cotton, pockets, raglan shaping, seamless. I love how it turned out and it’ll be a great addition to my wardrobe.

It’s the Summer Festival cardigan by Georgie Nicolson, and the yarn is Oh Baby! Organic Cotton by Lion Brand. The yarn is sport weight and discontinued. I had exactly enough yarn for this project, so it is completely busted from my stash. Yay!


Your cardigan is great!

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Thank you!

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Lovely cardigan!

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I like it! It looks really comfortable and will match so many different outfits.

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It looks lovely and cozy!

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Beautiful cardigan… and yay for stash busting!

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It came out awesome! But more importantly, I love that you love it!

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Thank you! I’m trying to make a capsule-ish wardrobe, so, lots of neutral pieces.


This is exactly what I was gonna say!


What a stash-busting score! It looks great, highly versatile, and perfect for your needs-what a win!


Thanks! Not very often do I get a win like that!

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Beautifully done, lovely soft colour as well.

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Thank you! It is a soft, slightly faded navy blue. Like a well worn pair of jeans. It’s too bad they discontinued the yarn, it really did come in a nice palette of colors and it’s very soft. I got the yarn on clearance, too, so this cardigan cost about $30. I need to get it in the wash so I can start wearing it to death. :joy:


Gorgeous! I love the raglan detail! This is going to be perfect for cold, air-conditioned rooms!

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Thanks! I was actually a little worried about the construction of this cardigan. I thought, because you knit the shoulders and back of the yoke before picking up stitches for the front, that it would ride up in the front too much. But, all the project pictures looked great. I just went with it, and I’m glad I did.

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