Steampunk costume for a wedding

Aw thank you so much sweetie x

Okay, these are fabulous!!

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This is all awesome, but the hat with the lightbulb is genius! That is so cool.

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Wow! Your seamstress skills are jaw-dropping.

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These are the final costumes!

All lit up at night.


Ah-mazing! You’ve got to share the reactions, I’m sure we’re all desperate to hear about the event!

It went down well, apart from the bride and groom, there were about 5 of us who really went all out. So there were lots of people who wanted to take photos. But it was at night time when I appeared all lit up, that the cheers and the wows started :grin: it was fun. But oh so very hot!!! Corsets and all those layers in that heat.


Steampunk weddings sound totally rad! Mixing Victorian vibes with a touch of sci-fi is super unique for a wedding theme. Imagine the groom in a slick steampunk tuxedo from—talk about turning heads! For real though, it’s all about personal style, right? If you dig gears, goggles, and corsets, then why not rock it on your big day? Plus, it’s awesome how steampunk lets you blend old-school elegance with a bit of rebellious flair. Cheers to creativity and making your wedding day totally yours!

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