Stitching in progress

I have so many lined up that between cross stitch and the other things I dabble in craft wise, I need to stop working and just craft! I wonder if Mr. Snails will go for that :thinking:


Oh yes I totally see what you mean, with all my crafty hobbies and gaming hobbies… I want more time to game and craft :smiley:

P.s.: I love you rat picture. Rats <3


Thank you the rat is Dumbo and belongs to my oldest son. We love ratties here :sparkling_heart:

Same, two rats at home and they are my favorite pets :slight_smile:

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We had the ladies until they all passed. They were 3 sisters. Now we have the boys, 2 brothers. Liam and Dumbo. They are sweet. Liam is REALLY food driven.