The Laughing Dragon is OPEN
Step inside one and all! The Laughing Dragon has all your adventuring needs! And some, shall we say, peculiar things you don’t need! All items made without the presence of monsters, creatures, and the like.
2 for 1 point
*Please claim as “Buttons 1 and 5” etc. (with your corresponding number)
Cat Canvas: 1 point
Claims from my shop
Send by 9/16
Manders to Tapestry - Glitter frog (2pts)
Send by 9/18
Manders to Jellybean- Hero Grab Bag (2) + Adventure Grab Bag (2) = (4)
Send by September 19
@Manders to @Mountains_and_Clouds
glitter frog (2)
Send by Sept 30
Manders to irid3sc3nt - spooky grab bag (2)
Claims made by me:
Send by: 9/15
Tapestry to Manders-Autumn Portal Gouache -2
Send by: 9/18
Bunny1Kenobi to Manders-Dragon Earrings, Black Earrings, Cupcake Embellishments-1
Send by: 9/22
Tapestry to Manders-Tuxedo Cookies-2-
Jellybean to Manders-Red Llama-2-
Send by: 9/27
Kayrun to Manders pumpkins-1-
Send by: 9/29
Saintcady to Manders-Build your own laser bundle-1
Resin filled laser cutout pairs-1-
Adventure Grab Bag: 2 points
Hero Grab Bag: 2 points
Spooky Grab Bag: 2 points