STS (Shop the Swap) Fall Market 2024


:butterfly: :sunflower: :evergreen_tree: ARTSY’S SHOP :evergreen_tree: :sunflower: :butterfly:

Everything is handmade by me. I have a smoke-free home and a four-legged-pet-free studio (I have cats and dogs, but they are not allowed in my studio.)

This is meant to hang on your wall with a single nail. This heart has three metal staples in the design. This can be a deeper meaning around wounded hearts, or more literal, for heart surgery, etc.

:seedling: CERAMIC WINGED TATAS - 5 pts
For hanging on your wall. These have two little notches on the back at the tips of the wings, meant to be hung on two nails. Fun, whimsical design. I’ve had customers buy these for such a myriad of reasons, from having had their own removed, to a mom buying them to hang in her toddler’s room. They aren’t for everyone, but if they speak to you, I am offering just this one this time.

:seedling: CERAMIC CAT BANK - 3 pts
The sock is securely epoxied to the cat face and will not come off, ever! Need a place to throw your loose change? Do people even carry loose change anymore? lol

:seedling: CERAMIC HOUSE EARRINGS (choose A) - 2 pts each
stainless steel posts

:seedling: CERAMIC RATTLE - over/under sale now 1pt!

:seedling: CERAMIC CELTIC SHOT GLASSES - Over/under sale now 1 pt each!

:seedling: CERAMIC HEART ORNAMENTS #1 & #2 - 1 point each

:heart: :yellow_heart: :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :brown_heart:

:seedling: CERAMIC CONVERSATION HEARTS 4 hearts for 1 point
Please pick the words and color combination you want for each heart. The 5th color I am calling “ugh” because it was supposed to be a green but I chose the wrong green to color my clay with because this one burned out at cone 6. Ah well. Spoopy hearts. They are really thin and could be glued to another project as well.

HUG ME: yellow (2), blue (2), pink (3), lavender (2), ugh (3)

LUV U: yellow (2), blue (2), pink (4), lavender (3), ugh (2)

KISS ME: yellow (3), blue (3), pink (1), lavender (4), ugh (4)

BITE ME: yellow (3), blue (3), pink (2), lavender (4), ugh (1)

NOPE: yellow (3), blue (2), pink (2), lavender (3), ugh (3)

artsycandice - mountains_and_clouds - little owl #2 and tree stump #1 (2)
Ceramic conversation hearts - 4 for (1pt)
(Hug Me - Blue; Luv Me - Purple; Bite Me - Yellow; Nope - Pink)
artsycandice to irid3sc3nt - ceramic owl #1 (1) + ceramic stump #2 (1) = (2)pt
artsycandice to susieoregon - CERAMIC TEETH EARRINGS - 2 pts + CERAMIC RAVEN TILE - 4 pts - 6 points total
Artsycandice to Tapestry - CERAMIC TRINKET DISH (bottom) - (2)
artsycandice to Mountains_and_Clouds - Venus of Willendorf (4), Moon ornament (2) (6 pts total)
artsycandice to susieoregon - CERAMIC TRINKET DISHES (top) - 2 pts
artsycandice to kayrun - CERAMIC SNOWFLAKE ORNAMENTS - 1 PT (set of 2)
artsycandice to saintcady - CERAMIC MUSHROOM CAP ORNAMENT - 3 pts
Artsycandice to fishstix43 - Ceramic house earrings B - (2)
Artsycandice to Tapestry - Raven ceramic tile (4)
Artsycandice to Bunny1kenobi raven tile (4)
artsycandice to irid3sc3nt - ceramic vessel (1)
artsycandice to jellybean - CERAMIC STAR EARRINGS (1)

Mountains_and_Clouds to artsycandice - mini vase H - (2)
Tapestry to artsycandice - Ladybug Lounge ATC Watercolor - 1pt
Mountain_andClouds to artsycandice: tiny porcelain Jizo 3 : (A and C ) (2 pts); Mini Vase J: 2pts
Tapestry to artsycandice - pygmy puff B - (2), Poseable Shelf Snail (2), (4 pts total)
jellybean to artsycandice - mini dino (1), llama white (2), Cross-Stitch Book (1), (4 pts total)
jellybean to artsycandice - Tiny creatures Variety (1), iquana (2), rag doll bunny & little green frog (1); (4 pts total)
Bunny1kenobi to artsycandice - Plan B crosstitch (3 pts)
Mountains_and_Clouds to artsycandice - Mini Vase R (opihi): 3pts, Mini Vase Z: 2pts, Mini Vase AA: 2pts (7 pts total)
Manders to artsycandice - Unicorn Sculpt: 1 point
irid3sc3nt to artsycandice - Alien ami (2)
saintcady to artsycandice - Crocheted fidgets #1 &#4 (1pt), Stencils #5 &#6 (1 pt), Blue Wave earrings #6 &#7 (1pt), (3 pts total)
Tapestry to artsycandice - 1lb Milkyway Fudge - 2pts

:leaves: :leaves: :leaves: :leaves: :leaves: :leaves: :leaves:

current: 5
pending: 0
total: 5