Summer 2024 Inchie Gallery


That ghost…. :star_struck:

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I received from @Bunny1kenobi . She took my theme for seasons and made these adorable little animals! They are just too cute! Thank you bunny1kenobi!


I’m so glad you like them! I think the dolphin was my favorite!

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Man, I am LOVING all of the inchies that have been posted so far, you are all so talented!

I received my inchies from @Myruka on Friday, and here is the sound I made when I opened the envelope and looked at them: SQUUEEEEEEE!

One of my themes was “cats,” and she included them in TWO inchies: a cat/gardening one with the little kitty watering plants with its tail, lol, and a cat/sci fi one with a kitty inside a UFO!!! Third is a Halloween/spooky inchie made with recycled bits, another of my themes. I love them all so much!!!

Thank you Myruka, you put so much thought into each of my themes, and the results are adorable!


I’m so glad you like them!!! I really loved doing the cat watering the plants. They were all fun to make though.

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An inchie zine? An inchie cross stitch?
the bar has been raised!

Amazing job @TruGritty !


@Bunny1kenobi my favorite was the dolphin too! I love that you turned animals into seasons.

@Myruka how in the word did you draw so small to have the tail watering the flowers? I love the UFO one the most. Its so cute!

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The UFO cat is adorable!!! I love all the different mediums people used.


The 'zine - so clever! I love the Halloween and spaceship kitty and autumn fox is super cute.
All of these are truly mini masterpieces!


I received an absolutely adorable trio of birds in hats from @jeanneleigh !
I love thembs! (Especially the tiny little details in the backgrounds!)

Thank you so much!


Wow, so many amazing inchies already :heart_eyes: I am always so amazed by how much people manage to fit into a 1" square :smiley:

And I have received from Gozer. I had asked whether she would be against receiving the inchies in a way that made up a larger picture, but were still inchies in their own right. She was inspired by that and by two of my themes - rainbow and underwater. And this is the amazing result of that inspiration and I love them so much, thank you @gozer, they are phenomenal and I adore them :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

From Gozer

Especially the happy little fish in the middle :smiley:


Oh my.goodness!!! The little birds and the fish!!! Wow! I am blown away!


@jeanneleigh, I love your birds! The watercolor works perfectly with them. I also love the style and how you framed them. Hmmm, I wish I had done that. Inspiration for next time!
PS, the baseball cap one is my favorite, but I love the shading on he blue bird!

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I reveived from @Myruka and they’re so cute!!! So much detail in such a tiny space!

For my sunflowers theme:

For my ocean/sea creatures theme:

For my back to the Future theme:

Thank you so much; I love all of them!


@gozer - the rainbow fish are so well done! I love them! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And all the tiny details @Myruka - that little crab! :star_struck:

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I just received my inchies from @Townie and they are so great!
First, the layered card she made

All 3 inchies

And now the closeups!
For my theme “sea creatures “ she painted a chambered nautilus!

For Baba Yaga theme, a little house with chicken legs!

And for “cool patterns” this cute little flower design

Thanks so much, Bekah- I love them!


Everyone has such mad painting skills. I however, do not. :rofl:. So mixed media for me. :heart:

I received from Townie. I need to get pictures but let me just say they are wonderful!


I got my inchies from @jeanneleigh!

First the pretty card

And multilingual kitties!
Super cute. Thanks!


I received from @geekgirl today!
A lovely card

And 4 pattern themed inchies

They’re great- thanks so much!


I’m so glad you both liked your inchies! Also, I love the little Miau kitties and those pattern inchies. Abstract designs are some of my favorites.

I received from @jeanneleigh a while ago, and I’m so sorry I haven’t posted until now! I had the pictures taken and all ready to go, and then we had a family stuff happen and I got called away. Now that everything’s been taken care of, here are the wonderful inchies I recieved:

More Halloween inchies! Can I have too many of them? I don’t think so :slight_smile: I adore all of these, but I think my favorite is the evil pumpkin–I like his naughty smile and the bright orange color really pops!

And here is the lovely card she included:

There’s a lovely gold sheen that I can’t really capture, and there’s more color depth than shown here. Is it a gelli print? It looks like it, and it’s definitely going into my paper stash! Thank you so much @jeanneleigh!!!