"Survivor" Adult Merit Badge

I made this for the current Adult Merit Badge Swap. Inspired by a “plague survivor” badge my partner had pinned. I used scraps from mask-making for the background and used @Magpie’s darted front mask pattern to whip up a mini mask.

The mask pops off the badge - it’s the real deal, lol:

Here’s a pic of the scaled down pattern:

And the background piece before I cut it:

It was really fun to make, and I think I know of few more crafters worthy of this badge…:thinking:


OMG! That is too cute!!! What a great idea.


This is so great! You have mad skills.

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Wow! I looks great!!

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This is brilliant…that has got to be the cutest mask I’ve seen. Well done you!

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I love this!!

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This is the adult merit badges of all adult merit badges right here!

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So cute!

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This is so flippin’ AWESOME. I love that the mask comes off. Your stitching is excellent, and so tiny. :purple_heart:

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I love this so much.

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Omg I love this! :joy:

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Oh. It “pops off“ as in away from the background. Whoops. Though you could cut the 4 stitches holding it on and “pop” it off if you really wanted to! :laughing:

Thanks all!

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Ha! I thought the same thing and was looking for the image of the mask removed from the badge. lol

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This is so clever! I hope @Magpie has seen this coz that’s a very cute use of her pattern! I love it!


D’oh, I misunderstood. It could be cool to sew it to a snap, and have it pop on and off. (Says the costumer who has sewn a million snaps for a million silly reasons.)


Hmmm…Sounds like a fun element for V2! :thinking:

Haha this is supercool!

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Oh girl, you are simply the best. I love your brain, I seriously do.


YAY! :smiley: I bounced off your brain! HA!

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