Tarantula Plush

I made this Tarantula plush for my daughter. She is completely freaked out by it.:rofl:
We both love Animal Crossing and get super scared when we see the Tarantula. I attached it to fishing wire and had it jump out from under the table🤣


That’s hilarious!

You did a great job on it, and I would be creeped out too!


I love it! :two_hearts: It looks so pretty and perfect. Did you buy a pattern for this or draft your own? I had a pet tarantula for a while (my Dad found it on the side of the road and brought it home). My Mom made me get rid of it when it managed to climb out of its cage, and we found it on my bedroom curtains the next morning. :joy: Dad took it back where he found it. snickers


Thank you, and Yikes. I’m gonna have to side with your mom. This story gives me the shivers :rofl:
I got the pattern here

It’s a pretty good pattern instructions wise, but also the construction which is made with a wire frame.
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That is amazing and horrifying! I love it!


That is awesome!!

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I’m creeped out just by the pictures of a fake spider!

Ironic because I’m fascinated by the real tarantulas that live in my yard.


That is very cool!

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Oh my goodness! It is so close to totally realistic, but just cartoon-y enough to be kind of cute! If there were more time before April Fool’s Day (and I was looking to get divorced) I might make this “for” TheMisterT. He hates spiders.


The plush is adorable but also freaky!!! Super job!!!


How hard was it to do a digital pattern? I have often wondered about them. This turned out super cool!


I bet she lost her mind!! How much fun is that???

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Amazing! equal parts adorable and terrifying!

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Oh, I love him, he is so adorable :two_hearts:

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This is cute and scary at the same time.

I had to laugh when I read what you did to your daughter but then thought if someone did that to me, I’d die of fright but only after I seriously hurt them :flushed::angry:

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