My daughter has many tattoos and loves them. I have none, because I’m not a fan. She and I accept this about each other now, although at one time it was a sore subject.
Anyway, a few years ago she called to ask me if I would do a matching tattoo with her. While I respectfully declined, I was truly touched that she wanted a permanent representation of our relationship that she would be wearing daily. To me, that’s kind of a big deal.
Who knows…. I may even change my mind at some point.
You always have such good stories to go with your ATCs! Your ATCs are also always really nicely done but the stories really complete them.
I think making a matching craft to one of her tattoos is actually a great idea! It could be a t-shirt, embroidery, ATC, whatever you want. Having tattoos is meaningful to her, crafting is meaningful to you. It’s commendable that you have both managed to accept the other person’s views about a sensitive subject. Not everyone is capable of doing that.
I love the idea of making something that matches one of her tats. She would appreciate that as well I’m sure!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I love that you can have different views and yet share a very personal and loving bond. I think making something that matches her tattoo is a wonderful compromise.
Thank you! And hooray for rub-ons for the corner accents. It would gave taken me at least a month to get those even sort of the same as each other if I was doing them by hand!