Teahouse Miniature

I received this kit for my birthday. I just love it! I put it in my new office. It was fairly easy to make.


It looks like such fun to make, and I love the warmly lit result!

This is just so dang cool. What a great way to have a warm, welcoming spot on your desk.

Lovely. The intricacy of the laser cuts are so delicate.

Very cute. A perfect desk decoration!

It’s so sweet and calming.

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So cute! It DOES have a tranquil vibe. The light makes it extra special.

Wow, that’s great!

The kitty is so sweet and is the perfect touch for the tranquil scene.

That is just perfect!

What a peaceful, miniature, place!

Thanks everyone!

Wow, I love this.
I need one for my office! It looks so inviting

This is very sweet