Teneriffe Lace Medallions

I’m sorry if I’m spamming you with updating my projects! This is the last one!

I took a forray into lace-making. I’ve been planning on learning teneriffe lace for literally ten years. I finally did it. These are ones that turned out ok. I’ll probably do some more at some point.


Wow, these are so cool!! What will you use them for? They look like they will make wonderful embellishments for all kinds of projects.

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So interesting! I had to go google this type of lace; don’t think I’d ever heard of it before, although it does look familiar. Your examples are very colorful and festive.

Did you have some sort of a frame, or did you just use pins to hold the base threads in place?

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the one on the left looks like a flower. they are both pretty

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They definitely would make fabulous additions to any kind of textile project!

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I LOVE Teneriffe. It’s so delicate and pretty. Your work is beautiful!

It’s been ages, like 25 years or more, since I made Teneriffe. I used to be involved in historical reenactment, aka Society for Creative Anachronism, where I learned lots of textile techniques,like spinning/weaving, njal binding, etc. It’s where I learned bobbin lace and needle lace, but this was back when I did not have kids and had more free time as a result. :wink:


These are very pretty! About how big are they?

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Oh, neat! They remind me of dorset buttons. Whatdo you do with these? They’re too textural fot coaster, be nice as ornaments though. Or appliqués on other things.

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Love the red flower! I’ve never heard of this kind of lace before either! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I wasn’t really sure. I was going to make matching ones once I knew how to make them well so that I could cover them in glue to make them sturdy and then use them as earrings but then I got distracted by some other projects.

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It’s not a very common lace, for sure! It took a while to find any information on how to do it though I did eventually find a free ebook. I used an embroidery hoop with fabric on it and then made a circle in sewing stitches. Then I threaded the base wheel-type threading through the stitches to hold them in place. Once you’re done you just cut the stitches holding it.

Thank you!was definitely going for a flower look. :slight_smile: want really sure what I was doing with the other one. Lol.

Woooah! That’s so cool! I wasn’t sure if anyone would hear about it on here since it’s not very common. I’m so jealous that you know how to do bobbin lace but I don’t think I would have the patience for it!

Thanks! They’re about 2 1/2 inches wide.

Thanks! Yeah I was going to make matching ones once I knew how to make them well so that I could cover them in glue to make them sturdy and then use them as earrings but then I got distracted by some other projects. Sigh maybe I’ll actually do that later. Hahaha

Thanks! Yeah it’s kind of a rare technique.

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Love This…Is’nt this more like weaving…Loove it anyhow…

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Yeah it’s totally weaving! That’s why I figured it was something I could do since I suck at crochet or knitting.

Bobbin lace is mini macrame…seriously. Start with a simple design and see how quickly you can get hooked. :wink:

I made my own bobbins and pillow. I did mostly straight lace, but tried a couple of round pieces which are a bit more confusing if you don’t follow the pattern closely.

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Lovely! It’s exciting to see these awesome projects you are posting! I love it when we try, and share, new things! So inspiring!

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