Thank you- a Family ATC

This one is also for my husband. His birthday is coming up, and I want to recognize how hard he works. He has worked at a job that he absolutely despises for quite some time now, in order to take care of our family. I know a lot of husbands and dads do this, for that matter, so do a lot of wives and moms. But this seemed like a good opportunity to thank him for his dedication to our family, especially now that he has a new job that he’s very excited about.

Thanks for looking!


I love that you are such a cheerleader for your family! This ATC and the one with his handsome face makes me choke up a bit…

Do you display your family ATCs in any special way?

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I give the ATCs to the individuals they are made for. I assume that they store them in the deck boxes we bought for them. My husband definitely does. And he pulls them out and looks at them from time to time. :grin:


You really know how to pick an important family memory or trait for your ATCs and then turn them into a succinct and eye-catching representation of that memory or trait in a small, 2D space!


Thank you!

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Cute card. Love the way you stippled the edge.

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I don’t know why I’m so charmed by those little pliers, but I am.

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Lol! Thanks!

So cute! The little stippled edges are a perfect finishing touch. I may have to steal that idea for a future ATC. :wink:

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Bunny, I can’t get over how much thought and love you pour into these family ATCs. Your family is so lucky to have you!

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I’m lucky to have THEM! :grin:

And thank you.