@Chr1stchan and I swapped coaster sets! Y’all, this should be a thing! I had a great time making these for her:
Thanks for looking!
@Chr1stchan and I swapped coaster sets! Y’all, this should be a thing! I had a great time making these for her:
Thanks for looking!
Both sets are amazing. I love the little legs on your Death!
Lol! Thanks!
You both made some awesome coasters!
Wow! These are impressive How did you make them?
Your horses are so well done!
Great coasters! And a great idea for a swap!
Dare I suggest: “The Four Horsemen of the A-cup-alypse”?
Gorgeous! Your handwriting is amazing!!!
Thanks, everyone!
@TheMistressT that’s awesome!!
@PrincessP I found these designs online and traced the basic shapes onto paper, then filled in the rest. After coloring and inking I cut them out and where the cutting would be super ridiculously fussy (eg. crown, bow, flames) I left a lot of that white space of the paper intact. I brushed white paint onto purchased wooden rounds, brushing from the center and not quite to the edges. After gluing down the horsemen and inking the lettering, I put clear vinyl over the top and backed them with cork.
@Kwality570 thank you! I’ve been practicing!