The Spring Equinox Wrap

I’ve not posted a weave in a while.
So, here you go.
Finally finished!
The Spring Equinox Wrap!
Hand twisted fringe and wet finished.
Woven on a 24" RH with a 12dpi heddle.
Yarn is 4 ply super soft merino hand dyed by the spectacular pixie yarn
I’m not sure if this will go on etsy, into the gallery, or around my neck yet.


Beautiful colors!


How could you part with it, it’s gorgeous

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I’m in love! This is so pretty. I love the ends.

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I love how the purple edges in, doesn’t overwhelm. Yummy!

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I feel like this about all.of them. But a person only ne3ds so many scarves/wraps

This is so beautiful! I love the colors you used and how you’ve blended them together.

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Really fabulous. It’s so interesting how the purple warp on the left-hand side looks almost like a dark reddish-brown where it meets the limiest green. I confess I searched your profile for a link to a shop hoping you sell them somewhere that would ship to Canada, lol. I have no such qualms about having all the woven things in every colour!
Oh, and @Edel, this is your soul-sister… it says right on her profile that she also hates celery! :green_heart:


It’s beautiful! I love the way you’ve blended the colors.

And, @Magpie, does anyone really like celery? :thinking::joy:

It’s in my top 10 favourite veg! I love it, actually.

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Celery is evil! :face_vomiting:
And so is its twin celeriac!


Hello @Edel :star_struck::kissing_heart:

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So wrong, on both counts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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And this is why we are friends!


I actually thought it was the sarcasm :zipper_mouth_face: and wine :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses:?


Well yes, that too :rofl::clinking_glasses:


No idea what a wet finish or heddle mean, but it looks gorgeous!

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This is marvelous! Amazing craftsmanship, just beautiful!

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This colorway is everything! Swooooooon.

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