Thing-A-Day February 2021 Craftalong


Today we made slime.

I also made a little something for a fellow LC-er, so no pic (yet).

And heart shaped pizza:

We were supposed to do pink cupcakes today but we have an abundance of dessert in the house so I’m going to “forget” today and we will save them for later in the week. :wink:


Omg that looks soooo good!!


Lots of cool projects getting done! I haven’t been doing a ton. I’ve gotten some work done on my cross stitch. It’s just taking a while to get done. I plan on going shopping because I want to make my own version of a sweater that Noel on British Bake Off wore in this last season. (Another added project to my long list XD )


Day 14: Finished the ATC in progress to send out tomorrow, assuming I can get to the mailbox with all the snow we’re supposed to get tonight. Squirtle will probably have to wait until tomorrow.

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Zazzles has become quite active lately, so Operation Use Up Yarn made her some balls. The yellow one I was extra sneaky and stuffed with a ball of more yarn! Haha!!


Today I refinished a cutting board - posted in the 2021 Sustainable mend-along!


I managed to finish yesterday’s ATC last night :slightly_smiling_face: today I wrote a letter to go with it. I also made a bunch of ATC sized envelopes (please don’t ask me to count them)


If anyone ever needs/wants any upcycled little envelopes let me know! :laughing: I’ll never use all I have :sweat_smile:


WOW! I have hundred of saved calendar pages that I am using to make paper beads…I forget about envelopes…I think I will make a “few” :roll_eyes:


So cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Today I made t-shirt yarn and finished up a few masks I’ve had cut on my table for…a while. :sweat_smile:


I think I need to do this too. I have a couple calendars saved…did you have a tutorial you use/follow? Sorry if you posted already. I should go look.

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My thing a day is I used Mr. Lynx’s staple gun and twine from stash and made my cat a scratching post. I’ll see if she likes it. I may need to add other textures. It’s an all stash feline experiment!

That’s all the twine I had. We can cut the board shorter-- or add more texture to fill it up.


Looks way better than my fancy store bought one!

My thing today was sewing on a lot of patches for a project that I have been meaning to do since 2014! Hand stitching them, so it might be a thing for a few days…


15th Feb

So… the first mini book I made was lovely, but once I had made the rainbow cards to stick in, the book was never going to even attempt to close. I didn’t take into account embellishments :thinking:

But it is cute, so will find something else for it.

So that meant creating a new book…

Into which the rainbow of cards have been glued and I am loving the finished item. Not sharing a full picture yet, because although I don’t think my partner is a member here (it is a Facebook swap), I don’t want to risk it.

And, as always, a bit more on my cross stitch


No tutorial. I have a Martha Stuart score-board that has an angled guide and cheat-sheet for envelope sizes. It’s not the best cheat-sheet either. I wrote myself a how-to that I keep with my envelope making supplies. Start with a 5.5" square and score in from the corners at 2" for the sides and 2.5" for the top and bottom. I also cut off the triangles past where the score lines cross each other and about an inch from the bottom corner before folding and sticking. If that doesn’t make sense I can snap a picture later and/or post a tutorial.

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Thank you!! I will give it a try but I might need a visual. :sweat_smile:


Ended up doing a slightly bigger project today than I planned. I did some running in town today (okay I was looking for sale chocolate) and picked up a fabric bundle at Walmart. (I was looking for a kinda specific color but they didn’t have it so I ended up ordering some stuff online as well) And came home with this fabric. Which I then made into a quick skirt!


We have a wonderful bed except for the right-angled headboard bit. We’ve experimented with all sorts of pillow shapes, sizes, and numbers but if they shift around you can still bonk yourself on the noggin. Sitting up in bed with a sharp corner of wood bisecting the spine isn’t all that comfy either.
This headboard is completely reconstructed from a large square cushion cover and the big piece of foam and padding we purchased to fill it with. It was never going to fit anywhere or be useful in any way so I chopped it up and puzzle-pieced both the fabric and the foam and padding to make a new shape. Didn’t get it right the first time, it’s been in a time-out in the closet a few months. I finally ripped out seams, cut the foam, and resized the thing to fit.


I have finally (I think) finished with the computer part of this zine I’m making for my kid’s “birthday swap” so I can send all that out to be printed. And I found another giant peanutbutter jar of sparkly plastic beads, so I added another scoop to each of the bags of beads to make suncatchers with… This project might actually get finished at some point! (which would be good, given that I said they’d be ready starting on, um… wednesday.)


Day 15: I finished my other swap ATC, which is in a technique I don’t normally do. It’s ready to go out for the mail tomorrow…with the other one that has been in the mailbox all day waiting for pickup because I forgot there was no mail today :woman_facepalming:.