If you’ve been following along on the Home decor and renovation craftalong you know that I have been working on a big deck project. Almost doubling our deck into a 20’ x 30’ space (~6 x 9 meters) using composit decking. We also got a new “converstation” set that came with 4 throw pillows. They were Sunbrella fabric and a nice navy and navy/white situation, but not right for us. So I used the forms and made new pillow covers that are right for us.
They are made from outdoor fabrics from a variety of manufacturers, all purchased at JoAnn on deep discount a few weeks ago.
I like all the fabrics, but I think the grasscloth-esque might be my favorite. It was a booger to sew with though, because it frayed like crazy and didn’t want to stay squared up. Luckily, I went into this thinking of these as a quick-n-dirty project and didn’t pressure myself about very many details. Well, as quick-n-dirty as anything with a zipper can be.
Green is my favorite color, TheMisterT’s second-favorite, and we live in a forest, so it seemed like a great and easy choice for accents among the neutrals. Oh, and our window trim is a green chosen from one of the lichens that grow in our trees.
Here are the empty original covers (no zippers on those).
That’s because the forms were so much smaller than the covers they had to take every bit of space that they could! Also, quite rounded corners.
Even though I tapered the corners, I didn’t do it enough to totally avoid dog ears which I decided to not let bother me for outdoor pillows. So far, it still bothers me, but only a little!
Even with a really rounded corner the corner is still a corner, nothing can be done about it entirely. But squares have corners after all, it’s literally their primary feature!