Tire planters

I am not a plant person or garden person. I detest all forms of yard work and plant care. So it was a little surprising when I was inspired to do a Yard Thing earlier this summer. So after a couple days of more crafting than planting, my boring entry is now covered in rocks and even a few plants!

I painted some old tires then filled them with lava rock and potting soil. My son helped me pick and plant a bunch of succulents then we topped with quartz. Then sourrounded all the tires with more rocks. Succulents do fairly well in our area but if they die I’ll replace then with some nice garden statues! :rofl:


Pretty! Love the purple!

nice upgrade, pretty colors!

Cheery spots of color in the yard! Nice that your kiddo participated, too!

How fun! I’m not typically a gardener, either, so your lead-in comments made me smile. Looks really cute. May your plants live long and prosper!


So fun and colorful!! Good luck to your plants!

It looks so clean and pretty! Love that color purple.

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:balloon: Congrats! Your fantastic work is one of this week’s Featured Project! :balloon:

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