Traveling Dollhouse

I have wanted to make a traveling dollhouse for a long time so I finally did it. The cabinet, chair and rug are from @Lisasteatime. I made the little table out of a Dixie cup, the easel from a clothespin and the dog bed from a bottle cap. The blanket on the bed is a hankie and the window was a cutout I had. I wanted it to look like a house the borrowers would live in. I can’t decide if I want to add more.


That is so stinking cute!!! I totally picture a little borrower decorating their home just like that. Adorable!

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What a great idea! It’s adorable :heart:

So cute!

This is positively precious! OMG. and I love her little frankenstripe. Just gorgeous, every little piece of this! <3

It looks like a house you could live in…the bunting, the hankie, the tiny dog…such a cute house!

The tiny cabinet is also so cute to hold treasures…

How cute! I love her little craft projects! :heart_eyes:

I like your repeated use of rose motifs.

Is the outside of the suitcase decorated, too?

it’s so adorable

That’s so sweet!

You did such a great job on this!

I love this so much! It’s so fun to scroll back up and look at more details!

I didn’t-it came that way. The floor is washi tape I had that the roses on the back were already printed on the box.

Thanks all! I had so much fun putting this together. I can’t wait to start another one.

This is so utterly adorable.

So many details! I really like what look to be tiny books in the cabinet, her sewing/embroidery basket, that tiny mushroom…the whole thing is amazing!

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This is so adorable!!