Trying Polymer Clay for the 1st time

Wondering around Walmart looking for a family craft and we stumbled upon some sculpey!

This is what I made!

This is the secondattempt, which looks a lot better, but I think they’re both adorable!

And a random dragonish lizard



Hubby also made a super tiny creeper from Minecraft but not sure where it ended up.

All in all, we had a blast doing these!

Here is the tutorial I followed. At the very end she has easier sculpture tutorial. :blush:


These are amazing for a group of first-timers… and I really like your pink unicorn!

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Thank you! :purple_heart:

Such a fun group activity and great little sculptures!


Extremely cute!!

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@Tapestry @Bunny1kenobi thank you. :purple_heart:

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They are adorable. I love the eyes on Sami’s blue one.
PS. I don’t see a link

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Thank you!

And you’re right I forgot to add the link. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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